''Impossible is just an opinion'' Paulo Coelho.
Do you ever wonder if there is anything you can do individually, other than washing your hands, to improve state of things in 2020? If you do not have time to read the lengthy monologue ( appears that I am not a woman of few words...)skip to the last paragraph, where a simple EXERCISE is proposed to change what is. A carefully controlled scientific demonstration, called Washington study, was carried between June 7 and July 30, 1993. A group of transcended meditation practitioners 🧘🧘was meditating in Washington D.C. and at the same time scientists were measuring effects of this meditation on social trends in the city. Since beginning of the year, the violent crimes rate has been steadily increasing. A week or so after the beginning of the study, violent crimes began decreasing and continued to drop until the end of the experiment, the maximum impact was an unprecedented, 23.3% decrease in crime rate. The probability that this was simply a coincidence is two in a billion. Once the study was over, crime rate started increasing again. Study demonstrated that the intentional state of peace of group of individuals, has impacted others in the city in a positive way. How does this relate to 2020? If conscious intent makes the word a better place , I would say it works the other way as well, negative thoughts=negative outcomes. It is fair to say, that most of us have been traumatized by 2020 in one way or another. As we are expecting the other shoe to drop, it will inevitably drop, something else happens. Our expectations lead to the expected results. Just as meditation brought peace to Washington, our anxiousness could bring more unpleasant surprises. How do we get out from this vicious cycle? Vicious cycle is broken once trauma of the original event, ‘’ the wound’’ has been processed. On individual level it looks like this: person has been through a traumatic event, and it has not been processed. Let's say, as a result of this event, this person feel that this world is not a safe place. Since the original event has not been processed, they will tend to recreate the same feeling of not being safe with money i.e. money always leaves me, or their body, i.e. I can not trust my body to keep me healthy, over and over again in different aspects of their life. For this state to change, the individual has to process the original trauma, the feeling of not being safe. Forgive whoever they have to forgive and bless them on their way. I did not say it was easy, but it is a necessary catalyst for change. In my humble opinion, to see our world change, work on personal level has to be done to release trauma of 2020, whether it has been about fear of death or sickness, financial worries or outrage at injustice etc. Each of us need to process these feelings for this tide to turn around. Chances are, that processing trauma of 2020, will bring you to earlier events in your life. Everything is indeed connected. 2020 did not appear out of thin air. There are so many modalities out there to release trauma: meditation, yoga, exercise, shamanic journeys, tapping, working with psychologist, energy medicine etc., find what works for you. I do believe that collectively we can manifest much better, but each of us needs to do our own work. You will know that you have released trauma, when you think about the event , COVID for example, and you do not have strong negative feeling, such as fear about it. On the same note, we create through our thoughts every second of the day. I invite you to envision how you want the rest of 2020 to be, do not go into your darkest predictions, but into your best wishes. If our world were a person, what would you wish them? Maybe it is economic prosperity or health or justice for all. Go with your whole heart into it. Do not worry yourself with HOW it will happen, just envision WHAT you want it to be. Below is an simple exercise that helps me to envision the future. This is an EXERCISE, I do for myself and with clients. I am often amazed how well this works to bring forward the desired outcome. No fancy equipment is needed, just pen and paper, accomplished in two steps. First, think about a particular result that you would like to see happen and why it will be the best course of action. Second, write down a gratitude in the past tense about ( as if it has already happened) for the envisioned result along with why this works. Here is an example: I am grateful that US election occurred smoothly and the best man for the job has been elected BECAUSE it will bring justice, stability, prosperity and peace to the world. Here is another one: I am grateful we do not have to worry about COVID, BECAUSE we have an effective preventative treatment for it. Remember, do not worry about HOW something will change, put out there WHAT you need/want with gratitude and your reasons for it .Yes, I do believe that collectively, we are creating at each moment of our lives, we might as well do it consciously to bring desired outcomes.
AuthorHi, I am Oksana, mom, daughter, wife, holistic practitioner and a dreamer. My goal is to help my family and my clients to live better lives through working with their unconscious mind. I strongly believe in the work I do since I have experienced changes from this work in my life. Archives
November 2020
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